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What is a Certified Peer Specialist?

A Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) is an individual with lived mental health experience who has been trained and certified in the state of Pennsylvania on how to assist others in recovery and wellness. A certified peer specialist performs a wide variety of tasks to assist individuals to regain control over their lives and their own recovery and wellness process.


Click Here For A CPS Brochure


What Services do Certified Peer Specialist Provide?

• Assisting in the development of strengths-based individual goals
• Serving as an advocate, mentor, or facilitator for resolution of issues that a peer is unable to resolve on their own
• Developing community supports
• Providing education on ways to maintain personal wellness and recovery
• Providing education on navigating the mental health system


Requirements for Certified Peer Specialist Services
Must be an Allegheny County Resident 18 years of age or older with a mental health diagnosis.
Individuals may self-refer.


How to request the services of a Certified Peer Specialist

You can request a referral form by calling 412-894-2359 or download a Referral Form


CPS Annual Report 2023-2024

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